North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Assn.

Our mission is to protect and preserve our Second Amendment right to bear arms and to promote and preserve the shooting sports, the safe use and storage of firearms, and the principles of marksmanship and self-defense.

Learn More

Help us Defend YOUR Rights

Memberships are the lifeblood of our Association. By joining the NCRPA you help us fulfill our mission both financially and by sheer numbers when we talk to legislators in Raleigh. It does make a difference.  Any amount you can donate will also help us fight for your rights.  We retain a major lobbying firm in Raleigh to help our work there, but everything is expensive.  Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.  We accept credit cards for memberships and donations and you can update your contact information on this website or with an email to .

Join Us in Our Fight

 **We are upgrading our systems! **

Please be patient as we upgrade our systems to better serve our members. Even more important than this new website is the membership service platform we are now using.  It gives us many more capabilities than we had before, but with all the additional things we can do comes some extra complexity.  If something doesn't work correctly or you get an email you aren't sure about please let us know so we can fix the problem.  We are still learning how to use the system and we might make a mistake, so please be patient and let us know.   For membership related questions contact us at , and for other questions you can reach us at .  Thanks for being a member and helping us defend our rights in North Carolina.

Raffle for the North Carolina Junior Rifle Team

Please help us support the North Carolina Junior High Power Rifle Team by buying tickets to the raffle. All proceeds go to support the team for buying needed supplies and covering transportation and entry fees to matches. The team even competes at Camp Perry, OH in the National Rifle Matches each summer. Everything is getting much more expensive so our juniors need all the help we can give them to make sure we can field a well equipped team.  The button will take you to the junior raffle page, or click on the menu choice at top.

Junior Raffle

Summary of North Carolina Firearms Laws

The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association has published a reference guide for current firearms laws in North Carolina. It will be used by Sheriffs around the state to train their Officers, and likely used by other law enforcement agencies as well. It is highly recommended everyone read this to gain a better understanding of our laws as well as how law enforcement personnel are trained. It can be accessed at the button below.

NC Sheriff's Document

NC Shooting Sports Games

Click below for information on the North Carolina Shooting Sports Games.  Please let us know if there are any other sports that might want to join us.

NC Shooting Sports Games

NRA Youth Education Summit

For two decades, NRA’s Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) has brought of some of America’s most bright, ambitious, and patriotic youth to our nation's capital each summer for a week of fun they'll never forget. Students engage with political leaders, visit historical monuments, and apply their skills in competitive debates, all to enrich and inspire the future of our nation. The mission of the Y.E.S. program is to help students explore our American government, Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, while encouraging them to become responsible citizens who participate in the democratic process and return to their community with a proactive voice for the Second Amendment.

But Y.E.S. isn't just about taking tours around Washington, D.C. The summit is an educational experience that offers $40,000 in college scholarships for students who demonstrate strong leadership skills and knowledgeable participation during the week's activities - which include debates and seminars on current events.

Click here for more information on the Y.E.S.  Program.

NRA School Shield Program

School security is a complex issue with no simple, single solution. The NRA School Shield program is committed to addressing the many facets of school security, including best practices in security infrastructure, technology, personnel, training, and policy. Through this multidimensional effort, NRA School Shield seeks to engage communities and empower leaders to help make our schools more secure.

Click here for more information.

NCRPA Meeting Schedule

NCRPA 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule – Our Annual Meeting will be December 1st at the Durham Pistol & Rifle Club, starting at 11 am. Members are welcome but please let us know you plan to attend with an email to .

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